Hong Kong, Forging Business Opportunities With Vietnam

Saturday 3 Aug 2024, 12 : 38 am
Mr Lee (first left) and Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Mr Tran Luu Quang (first right) witness the exchange of a memorandum of understanding in Hanoi.

“Thanks to the city’s location at the heart of the GBA, companies with entities in Hong Kong will have the best opportunities to venture into one of the most dynamic financial centres and get connected to Mainland China, Taiwan, Macao, and APAC regions in a short flight time.”

Mr Chong identified the city’s key attractions, including geographic advantage within a four-hour flight from key ASEAN markets, dynamic tech innovation hub, and business-friendly environment with a simple tax system.

“We look forward to seeing more Vietnam tech companies venturing into Hong Kong,” said Mr Chong.

“By standing together, we’ll be able to leverage each other’s competencies, strengthening Vietnam’s IT position in the regional markets.

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