HKTB Drives Strong MICE Rebound Over 60 World-class MICE Events Secured, Solidifying World’s Meeting Place Appeal

Saturday 3 Aug 2024, 1 : 00 am
The Hong Kong Tourism Board

The impetus to grow the MICE sector is sustained. The HKTB has facilitated public and private sector bids for regional and international events, and helped secure over 60 large-scale international MICE events for Hong Kong slated for between 2024 and 2026, many of these are first time events for Hong Kong.

The line-up of events is expected to attract more than 180,000 Mainland and international visitors.

The events span a wide range of themes and industries. On top of sectors where Hong Kong boasts unique strengths, such as innovation and technology (I&T), medical sciences and financial services, new themes of other sectors such as aviation, architecture, education are also trending among the latest event wins.

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Notable wins include the triumphant return of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2025 after the last conference held in Hong Kong back in year 2013; and a number of the region’s first conventions and exhibitions across different sectors, including SmartCon 2024 and Consensus Hong Kong 2025 of the I&T sector; and Super Terminal Expo 2024, Routes World 2025 and Airspace Asia Pacific 2025 & 2027 of the aviation sector.

Prominent first-ever world congresses to be held in Hong Kong for the first time include World Cancer Congress 2026 and International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress 2026.

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